DR TRACY OMOROGIUWA’S (PhD) West Africa Regional Representative, ASSWA

Tracy B.E. Omorogiuwa is an Associate Professor of Social Work, the Post graduate Programmes Coordinator and the former Head of the Department of Social Work, University of Benin, Benin-City, Nigeria. She obtained her PhD from the Department of Social Work, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, with a dissertation titled” Development of intervention guidelines in response to child labour in Nigeria”. She is a seasoned administrator and a quintessential social work academic, given her research productivity in the profession’s elite journals, as well as an on-field expert. In 2008, she pioneered the Field Education Unit of the Social Work Department of the aforesaid University. With specialization in child, youth, women, and family welfare; and also teach rehabilitation, cross-cultural as well as international social work…. Prof. Omorogiuwa has remained unwavering in making an indelible impact on vulnerability reduction and social protection through research and policy engagement across Nigeria. Until now, she has partnered with the Edo State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development and other non-governmental organizations. She is a recipient of the Recirculate Residency Grant from Lancaster University, UK. Tracy has authored four flagship texts on social work, which have continued to serve the needs of social work students and practitioners in Nigeria. Currently, she serves as the West African Representative to the Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa.