Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa (ASSWA)

Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa (ASSWA) is an international organization that aims to advance social work education in Africa. The association strives to uphold the social work values, principles and human rights of all people and social justice.

Our Purpose & Objectives
The purpose of Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa (ASSWA) is to promote the interests of social work education in African region. [Read More]
Being part of ASSWA as a member comes with a number of advantages including:-
1. Participation in decision making and governance of the association particularly through elections and General Assembly
2. Opportunities for networking that can advance collaborative research projects and sharing of relevant and important information
3. Conferences and workshops offered by ASSWA and in collaboration with other national and international social work associations.
4. Regular updates in the field of social work on local, regional and international levels.
5. Payment of our members’ annual IASSW (International association of schools of social work) membership fees, hence allowing academics from schools of social work in Africa to be able to serve on the IASSW board.
ASSWA Leadership

News & Updates
THEME: What does an Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind mean to you?

Dr Peggie Chiwara (DPhil) Lecturer, University of Pretoria

Nanjabulo Mahlangu Managing Director, Capital Investments Pty Ltd

Professor Vishanthie Sewpaul (PhD) Senior Professor, University of KwaZulu Natal

Salma Fundi Lecturer, Institute of Social Work

Prof. Christine Black-Hughes (Ph.D) Associate Professor, Minnesota State University

Dr. Sharlotte Tusasiirwe (PhD)

Mary Angeline Principal & Head of Department,, M. A Social Work

Murhula Kapalata Gloire

Dr. Hadijah Mwenyango (PhD) Lecturer, Department of Social Work and Social & Social Administration, Makerere University

Minke Velthuysen

Galaletsang Matlapeng

Jacob Ledwaba Social Worker, Department of Social Development, City of Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Reneilwe Sibisi

Carike Rossouw

Rorisang Zoe Rasebopela
Our Partners