Social Work in Africa Books

Theories for Decolonial Social Work Practice in South Africa
Theories for Decolonial Social Work Practice in South Africa is a local book critically presenting social work theories that are suitable for decolonial and developmental generalist practice in the Global South. The choice of theories included in this book is informed by the lived experiences of South Africans in a multicultural, post-colonial, post-apartheid society. The book sees the goal of social work as effecting.
The Handbook of Social Work and Social Development in Africa
(Edited By Mel Gray) All recent books on international social work mention Africa only briefly and few engage with the broader field of development studies. This book focuses solely on the unique African context engaging with issues relating to social work and development more broadly thus enabling a deeper examination and more complex and nuanced picture to emerge. Unlike most academic works, this book highlights multiple practitioner voices, with authors or co-authors that have recently been or are currently practising social workers.
Indigenous Research Methodologies
Author Bagele Chilisa has revised and updated her groundbreaking textbook to give a new generation of scholars a crucial foundation in indigenous methods, methodologies, and epistemologies. Addressing the increasing emphasis in the classroom and in the field to sensitize researchers and students to diverse perspectives--especially those of women, minority groups, former colonized societies, indigenous people, historically oppressed communities, and people with disabilities
The Routledge International Handbook of Feminismn in Social Work
This handbook highlights innovative and affect-driven feminist dialogues that inspire social work practice, education, and research across the globe. The editors have gathered the many (at times silenced) feminist voices and their allies together in this book which reflects current and contested feminist landscapes through 52 chapters from leading feminist social work scholars from the many branches and movements of feminist thought and practice. The breadth and width of this collection encompasses work from diverse socio-political contexts across the globe including Central and South America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North America, Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia.

The book is divided into six parts as follows:
• Decoloniality, Indigeneity and Radical Theorising
• Feminist Social Work in Fields of Practice
• Academy and Feminist Research
• The Politics of Care
• Allyship, Profeminisms and Queer Perspectives
• Social Movements, Engaging with the Environment and the More-than-Human

The above sections present the diverse feminisms that have influenced social work which provides a range of engaging, informative and thought-provoking chapters. These chapters highlight that feminists still face the battle of working towards ending gender-based violence, discrimination, exploitation and oppression, and therefore it is urgent that we feature the many contemporary examples of activism, resistance, best practice and opportunities to emphasise the different ways feminisms remain central to social work knowledge and practice. It will be of interest to all scholars and students of social work and related disciplinary areas including the social and human sciences, global and social politics and policy, human rights, environmental and sustainability programmes, citizenship and women’s students.

he Tension Between Culture and Human Rights: Emancipatory Social Work and Afrocentricity in a Global World
Cultural practices have the potential to cause human suffering. The Tension Between Culture and Human Rights critically interrogates the relationship between culture and human rights across Africa and offers strategies for pedagogy and practice that social workers and educators may use.
Social Work Practice in Africa: Indigenous and Innovative Approaches
The importance of integrating indigenous knowledge systems into mainstream social work and ensuring context-specific, culturally relevant practice has long been emphasised in Africa and the Global South. This book, based on empirical research, presents a selection of indigenous and innovative models and approaches of problem solving that will inspire social work practice and education. At the core of these models lies a conceptual understanding of the community as the overarching principle for effective social work and social development in African contexts.
TOWARDS SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, POVERTY REDUCTION AND GENDER EQUALITY edited by Helmut Spitzer, Janestic M. Twikirize, Gidraph G. Wairire Prevalent poverty and related problems in the East African region call for substantial action from various stakeholders, including social workers. This book, based on comprehensive empirical research, portrays an emerging yet powerful profession that has a significant role to play in the endeavour towards social development, social justice, human rights and gender equality. The book is the first of its kind to provide first-hand theoretical and empirical evidence about social work in East Africa.